11 November 2009

I'll Be A Fabulous Old Woman When I Grow Up

Most of the shows, commercials, what have you, on TV is crap.  Complete, utter crap (besides It's Always Sunny, that was defined as genius in my previous post).  I generally tune out all commercials, flip between channels, do something other than watch mindless commercials that are really really annoying.  Sometimes, the inevitable happens and you can't get away from commercials.  They all happen at the same time.  Can't stop and watch another program, have to watch that break of advertisements that just makes you go, "UGH. WHYYYYY."   But sometimes you come across a clip that's inspiring and makes you just smile. I don't normally fall for TV bullshit because most of the time, it is bullshit, but this commercial from Kaiser is great.

You watch it, your head bobs, and you're like "YES.  I do want to grow up to be an old woman. So YES, I will go get a mammogram."  I know I do.  I want to hang out with my old ladies and drink wine and share memories, make new memories, and enjoy the last moments of life.  That is the great reward for all the hard work life throws at us.  

I look at my grandmother, a strong 93 year old Latvian woman who has had a fantastic life and she's still going.  She drinks her wine, shares her stories of life back in Latvija being mischievous, shepherding cows at age 6, singing songs, faking TB to go back to the convalescent home to hang out with her friends, and so much more.  It's fantastic to hear her stories.  There's so much history and life there, I just hope that I have the same repertoire of memories to share with my children and grandchildren that they'll be equally amused listening to all of my stories when I'm 90 years old...and hopefully they're not fully absorbed in technology that they no longer have an idea about life and what people went through once upon a time.  

So go, be healthy ladies.  Get your mammograms and your pap smears and all the lady check ups we need to stay healthy so that we can grow up to be old women, sharing stories and celebrating the lives we've live.

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