08 November 2009

Hello, Have You Met Zolite?

To introduce this blog, I'll introduce myself...or rather, introduce my cat, Zolite.  

Rest assured, this isn't a blog about cats, and no I'm not obsessed with cats either, she is just a key figure in my life that I have no choice but to start off this new blog with her. 

Zolite has many names aside from, well, Zolite (pronounced zö-lee-té).  Often times I call her "monkey" or "monk" for short or "boss" because she is the boss of my home; additionally, I call her "kitten", although she has outgrown that stage, now being 2 years old and all; and lastly, when she's being naughty, I call her "murmuls", which has no direct translation to English from Latvian, but usual sums up someone or something being, "a mischievous or defiant person or creature."

She was given to me as a gift from my sister when I graduated college / turned 21 and was in desperate need of companionship, seeing as I'm a poor, pathetic, lonely soul....or not.  Rather, my family grew up with cats and we simply have a natural tendency toward them and thus I will admit, I really wanted one.  As a 2 month old kitten, she was quite possibly the worst.  Mind you, she was adorable and I loved her as much as someone could love a crazy kitten, but she made it her mission in life to make my life hell.  She would knock everything over, get into every possible corner she could, make sure I would never get a good night's sleep, also made it her mission in life to scale the kitchen cabinets and drawers like Spiderman, and in general, run amuck around my old Berkeley apartment.  Once I moved to my San Francisco apartment, she did calm down quite a bit -- the move must have frazzled her into normalcy.  She still is adamant about sitting on the kitchen counter no matter how many times I scold her and plop her on the floor, so I have now completely given up on training her to be a lady like cat (think Duchess from the Aristocats...that she'll never be).

Some of her quirks include sitting in my bathroom sink:

Lying around on her back and exposing her snow white belly (in which I promptly smother and tease her):


Drinking from the kitchen faucet:

Licking my face in the morning when my alarm goes off (no photo ops at 7am).

And being the overall essence of cuteness:


Look at those toes!!!  They're just so cute and white and little!! Toes, toes toes!  

....Ok, enough.  Yes, she is cute, we can hopefully all agree on that.  And no, the spot on her snout does not make her Hitler. 

Now that you have been formally introduced to Zolite, I may now welcome you to my blog.  Here I plan to write on the subject of just about anything whether it's television (expect an It's Always Sunny post quite soon), wine (because I'm a certified wine lush), fashion (yes I do have a shoe obsession and yes my shoe blog did die..shame shame, I know), life (because some things just have to be written about), San Francisco and all of it's greatness, my weekend adventures, Latvians (because that's a given) and who knows what else.  

I hope you stay tuned, leave comments and enjoy :)

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