04 October 2010

It's Autumn...Again.

Ah, epic failure again.  I've neglected the blog, but somehow for the past, almost 3 months, I've been so utterly distracted that this blog has fallen by the wayside.  Perhaps I'm just not the devoted writer I hoped I would be...who knows.  ANYWAY I've learned a couple of things lately:

1.  I really like photography and am ACHING for a glorious digital SLR. Greedily, I was hoping for some minor financial help from the parentals for the upcoming b-day and X-mas; however, they have decided to opt for home remodeling and have repeatedly, explicitly stated that birthdays and Christmas no longer exist. SAD. I'll now have to magically have to figure out how to make $700+ appear all on my very own. The woes of being an adult. 

2.  I need goals. Goals for my career; goals for my personal life; goals for quite nearly everything.  I realized I'm restless, unsatisfied and antsy, thus, I need to set some goals for myself on what I want to accomplish and when. To start, I need to finish my paintings. Both are due by December 31, 2010...granted, they've both been started, therefore, it's not too terribly painful to finish them...except for the smoke on the shoe. There's a reason why it's take FOREVER to finish. 

3.  I will focus my energy on crafting a business. There is no other way to feel self-fulfilled than becoming your own boss and forming a business that you feel ownership over, that you drive and that you in every shape and form love. It's time to blend wine and the interweb and boy do those two need some serious love in their relationship. 

4.  Zolite still remains to be epic cuteness (I had to throw her in somewhere, she's just too flippin' cute).

5.  I have way too many ideas in my head. I want to read, paint, write, research, explore, cook, relax, sleep, drink, wander, roam, who knows what else all at the exact same time.  I need to learn to FOCUS. Focus and prioritize and breathe while doing so.  

6.  I need to treat my job as only a job and not my life.  I do not own this company; my impact is all I can hope it to be; and I'm not so attached to mobile that it can warrant the stress and anxiety it currently does.

7.  I'm BORED. Therefore, to cure boredom, I need distractions and hobbies...and various things that excite me. Finding all of those things are a challenge...especially when not trying to spend a lot of cash; therefore, creativity is key.

8.  I need to not be scared of my finances as I currently am.  They're just so daunting and real that dealing with them is scary. I'm not bankrupt or anything...I just don't want to deal with them at the moment. (I know, bad, bad, bad, shame on me).

9.  I will clean the pile of papers on my abandoned desk that keep staring at me, as I know that as much as I've willed them to magically disappear, it just won't happen. This also goes for the various objects in my closet I really don't need anymore, the useless TV I have and don't know what to do with -- recycle? trash? compost? special plastic dispensary? Who can figure it out anymore??

10.  I will learn to not require as much sleep as I currently do. As much as I love it, crave it, crash so easily, I will learn to not rely so heavily on rest and will push myself to be more productive during various odd hours.  How does one learn to be an insomniac?  Endless amounts of coffee? Is it actually even possible?

11.  I will not be so absorbed in my email, music, iPhone, what have you, to not stop, observe and enjoy the various characters roaming the glorious streets of SF.  

OK, that's all I have for now.  Next post, I promise, will be an analysis between Jango and Pandora. 

Give me some inspiration dear world!

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