11 July 2010

Oh, Hello Blog, It's Been Too Long

Wow, no blog for 4 months. I've failed miserably; however, I will make up for this failure by starting over, starting fresh and keeping as much activity on this blog as I possibly can.  For starters, I'm making some changes to my way of life.  Now that I've been enlightened that money sadly does not grow on trees (actually, I already knew it didn't, but I just binged on a careless spend-happy month, so shame on me), I'm going to make an effort to clean the lifestyle, get organized and budget properly.  What does this all entail? Well, a couple of things:

1. I joined mint.com and will now have friendly push notifications bombing my iPhone when I go over the budgets I've set for myself.

2. I will adjust my budgets each month so that I don't go on careless spending sprees, but will allow myself wiggle room in the important categories like spending time with friends (dinners, bars, random adventures, etc), museum trips and retail therapy (not excessive, but just enough so I don't get withdrawals and turn into a crazy person).

3. I will sell things I no longer need, use, wear, etc. That means any objects ranging from books, electronics, clothes, even shoes, will be sold.  My first attempts at eBay haven't been wildly successful, but I'm not giving up.  Someone will buy by $600 Christian Louboutin's because Lady Gaga has the exact same pair. I know she's hot right now and so are these shoes!

4. I am giving up TV. Yup, saying goodbye to the boob tube.  Any shows I want to watch can most likely be streamed online in some shape or form and that is much better than spending $50-$60 a month on channels and programs that I don't need to be losing brain cells on. Sorry Real Housewives, you were a guilty pleasure, but I can do without.  Anyone that is interested in my small pathetic television (could be good for a garage or some obscure setting not requiring a 36" panel screen), I'll sell it to you for $15.

5. I am going to finish my paintings.  Without TV, there's now absolutely no excuse for me to not get in the zone after I come home from work and execute on this cobwebbed talent of mine.

6. I will read more.  Books are stimulation of knowledge and my brain needs to be reinvigorated. Green Apple is calling my name (they did send me, and 5000 other people, an email saying they missed me...aww, how sweet) and I will return the call...after Madame Bovary and Atlas Shrugged...and possibly War and Peace (eek.).

7. I will prepare lunch for myself for the week and not spend $8-$10 everyday on expensive FiDi food...though I will allow myself an 'out' lunch once a week, if needed, so I don't feel too pathetic with my daily tupperware tucked in the office fridge.

8. I will blog more.  Yes, I've neglected this page and I feel bad.  Granted, I did start a new post, but never finished it because it rallied too many emotions all at once; however, it may present itself at some point in the near future. 

9. I will be healthier.  Healthier in food and beverage (the beverage part will be difficult because I love beer and wine and liquids with calories in them); healthier in mental state of mind (my brain is emotionally exhausted and is in need of repair); healthier in physical form (perhaps pilates will return as long as Zolite leaves me alone and doesn't attack me when I'm doing the one hundred on the floor...or maybe evening walks when I come home...we shall see); just healthier all around.

10. I will watch more foreign films and form a stronger bond with Netflix.  I've always loved the foreign cinema -- the films are just a bit more stimulating and since Netflix has online streaming, hellooooo movie time. Don't worry, I'll still need silly films to take a break from intellectual overload.

I know I can make changes in my life by setting goals for myself and sticking to them, and hopefully, these goals will help me guide me on this long path of life, because right now, I've lost my way and I need to get back on track. And with that, I give you one of the bubbliest songs I can possibly think of.  A little Hall & Oates:

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