03 January 2010

What I Learned From 2009

I started and stopped this post about 4 times trying to think what I actually learned from 2009.  At the end of the previous 2 years, I was able to put together a vast list of all the things that happened during the year that I thought were important to mention.  2009 wasn't particularly eventful...there were some highlights and some low-lights...some exciting events and some terrifying occurrences; but for the most part, it was just another year at the same job, just coasting along...a flat line year if you will, with a couple of bumps (some up, some down).  So here's what I've taken from the year:

1.  It really is scary how close death can get to someone you love, but thankfully, there is solid Latvian stock in this family to keep us all going for a really long time.  

2.  The sad thing is how pathetic family drama can still be present when there's someone in need.  Our Latvian stubbornness really does get in the way of breaking down our barriers and burying the hatchet and that does make me frown.

3.  Guilt speaks pretty loudly which warrants excuses to an extent, but people shouldn't ride it forever, instead they should channel their guilt to being supportive, loving and understanding.

4.  Large purchases are definitely a large investment, but are completely worth it as they eliminate the headache of fearing death on the road.  So yes, I do love my 2009 GTI even if I have to continue paying for it over the next 4.3 years.  It was worth it!  

5.  6-speed manual transmission, united gray, sunroof, 2-door hatchback = one of my lovers who knows exactly what I need.

6.  Google is terrible at directions in Marin and has gotten me lost there more than three times in 2009.

7.  Google also thinks it's funny that the best directions to Mt Tam are the ones that lead to the start of the fire trail.  Climb your way to the top, duh!

8.  The best way to prepare for a 16 mile loop hike is to 1) use Google for directions, 2) stock up on water, 3) wear sunscreen because of course it's going to be 90˚ that day, 4) thank the heavens that someone created a fresh water bath for you to stock up on water, 5) pack a wine, cheese, cracker, veggie and dip lunch to enjoy when you made it to the top of the damn mountain, 6) prepare for wanting to live on the mountain on your way back because every part of your body hates you, 7) thank god that BevMo exists and that you an stock up on much needed beer infused calories post-hike.

9.  Trips to the wineries are always a fabulously fantastic adventure no matter who you're with.  Meeting the winos at the wineries is pretty interesting too.

10.  I think I saw maybe 3 movies in the theaters last year and can say I'm pleased that I didn't invest more money in seeing more.

11.  Sometimes the best vacations are those taken locally -- hang out at home, maybe throw in a trip to Tahoe, but just veg and enjoy life in the city.

12.  Taking an aimless drive sometimes leads you to the most peculiar, but soothing places.

13.  I truly enjoy floral photography.  One day, I will buy a digital SLR and will master it's vast amount of features. For now, the point and shoot will have to do.

14.  Sain Saine is the best place to get a massage in the city.  Any place that can relieve so much stress from your body that you wake up literally feeling like you're in a cloud or stoned is brilliant.

15.  The botanical gardens represent natural therapy in the purest form, no matter where they are.  

16.  I really don't like all day business trips where you wake up at 3am to pick up your boss by 5am to catch your 6am flight, have to drive everywhere at your travel destination, meet with dozens of people and then get home after 10pm and then of course have to go to work the next day.  

17.  I do, however, thoroughly enjoy business trips where I travel alone, get to spend the night and get to engage with my clients without my overly chatty, domineering boss.

18.  Nashville is truly an interesting city to experience.  I look forward to visiting it again.  

19.  Zolite will always be the best kitten ever.  Yes, I know she's now a cat.

20.  I still love my SF apartment even though I hate writing the rent check for it every month.

21.  I know I shouldn't splurge on material goods, especially since I made a large investment, but sometimes, you just can't help yourself.

22.  The iPhone really is the best phone to own. 

23.  I'm glad I started doing tautas dejas again -- it really is good exercise and a great stress relief.

24.  I'm also very happy to have met more fabulous letiņi and I look forward to taking more adventures with them in 2010.  

25.  Realizing you'll always have a connection to those that share your roots is pretty amazing and comforting.

26.  I will continue to be skeptical in the dating scene, but will tread carefully with those that I actually like.  

27.  I never thought I'd see someone do anything spontaneously to see me, but apparently it does happen.

28.  I also never thought that someone who does something spontaneously to see me would get scared so easily.  And no I didn't scare him...or if I did, I don't know how I did.

29.  Never ever ever will I date a married man again, even if he says he's in the process of getting a divorce, it's not worth the "what ifs" and the "what happened" when he goes MIA for 6 weeks.

30.  It's amazing how after 2 years, rekindled feelings still exist.  What's even better is how they're easily pushed aside again after being revisited.

31.  Finding a new job is incredibly challenging, but this year, I will strive to work harder to snag myself a new one.

32.  I can't be bought with shoes, but I will spend the gift cards you give me, I won't feel guilty doing so and I won't feel indebted to you.

33.  After 2 years of asking, I got business cards with my Latvian "a" (ā) on them.  I also made my own with my Latvian "a" (ā).

34.  Ikea's Clips frames are cheap and awesome.

35.  I will continue to cherish Vinet and Joey's mad cooking skills.

36.  I will, however, invest in new tupperware for them so they don't spill pickle juice all over my new car again.

37.  It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the best show on television, hands down.

38.  I somehow am a great hustler for my boys at strip clubs.

39.  However, I never want to hustle for my boys at a strip club on Broadway ever again.  Boobs in face = not amused LLLQ.

40.  I will love taking adventures with my boys that start at the Lafayette Reservoir and end in delicious seafood meals topped with tequila shots, champagne and terrible Marina bars.

41.  Smoking while drinking has become my terrible vice.  

42.  Reconnecting with old friends is truly a good thing and makes you wonder how you lost it in the first place.

43.  Never do I want to party on Broadway in North Beach ever again.  It's really an awful strip.

44.  While I was sad not to have Vinet and Joey at home for Christmas, I did have fun enjoying a quite non-traditional Christmas with the letiņi.

45.  I do enjoy cooking, I just wish I was better at it. 

46.  It will most likely take another 2 years for me to finish my painting.

So what are my goals for 2010?  Hopefully to make it more interesting!  I know I want to take a wine class, get a new job, get more involved in some sort of activity being Latvian related or not and just dive into what's out there because you mind as well experience it while you're young.  Cheers to 2010, a new year, a new decade, another new beginning.   

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